Not surprisingly, Christmas was totally magical for Nate this year. This was the first year he was really old enough to get into all the excitement, and excited he was. There is just so much to be excited about at Christmas! He loved our tree and all the decorations, Santa and his reindeer, the music, seeing so much family, going to parties, and of course presents. Remarkably, his favorite part of the whole thing was the Nativity story, which he would recite to anyone who would listen. This is probably the only year that will ever happen but it was pretty cute.
Christmas Eve we went to Jeanette's. Nate played with cousins and had fun sitting in a big boy chair at the table.
Christmas Eve we went to Jeanette's. Nate played with cousins and had fun sitting in a big boy chair at the table.
On our way home from Jeanette's we stopped at Grammy and Grandpa's to open up jammies and hang stockings.
Christmas morning was so exciting. Nate was such a good boy this year that Santa decided to come visit. Also I think Scott slept in a wind tunnel that night.
Next stop was Grandma and Grandpa Lowe's. We had our traditional Christmas breakfast and opened presents. Here is Nate holding a tiny baby Jesus in a manger.
Grammy and Grandpa Green's brought more family to play with and more presents to play with. Nate got some really fun stuff these year. I don't think he'll be bored again until next Christmas.
Don't ever think that because you're not getting a lot of comments, we're not looking and loving your blogs. I can never get enough of Nate.