Meet the newest member of our family, Bill.
I am in no way a "car person" but I love this car so much I want to hug it every time I see it. It has literally changed our lives.
Check out that ramp coming down with just the push of a button on our keys.
The whole floor of the van is lowered so the ceiling height is fantastic. Scott and I can both practically stand up in there.
Nate's wheelchair can act as his carseat. We just lock the wheelchair base in and that's that.
I like when he uses his wheelchair because his cute little face is right there behind me while I'm driving.
But we still use his carseat sometimes, too. It's so easy to push his stroller into the van and put him in. We used to have to practically throw him into his carseat in our sedan and bumped his head almost every time.
One of the best things about the van is that it has power outlets for all his machines. This is how we were able to go on our first road trip.
You could probably guess that an awesome van like this comes with an awesome pricetag to match. We never, ever could have made this purchase without the help of so many generous friends and donors. We are grateful every single day for those of you who helped make this dream a reality for us.
Nate gets to leave the house so much more now. He's safe and comfortable getting in and out of the car. We can be out for more than a couple of hours. We can go on vacation! Very simply, life is just better for Nate and for all of us now. And our car could eat the rest of those non-accessible minivans out there on the road.
If you participated in our bike ride last year, bought tickets to the BYU/SJSU football game, donated to the Fundly page, or contributed to Nate's special equipment fund, you made this van possible for us. We cannot say thank you enough!
that is one smooth ride! congrats, you guys!